On Creativity
The essence of Creation is Creativity. The Creator created. As is said in nearly all spiritual paths, we are created in the image and likeness of the creator. Thus the essence of every human is creative.
Because we are created as creative, the denial of self-creativity has to be TAUGHT.
The problem is the numbing programming most people receive in life, starting from day one. Many cultures value conformity over originality. Religions teach conformity. Schools reward conformity and discourage original thinking. "The purpose of life is to obey."
People raised with these values repress their inherent creativity. Creativity inevitably leads to asking the sort of questions such cultures don't want asked. Those who ask them are judged and feared.
Creatives (actresses, musicians, writers, filmmakers) who achieve fame are placed on pedestals and considered above the realm of "mere mortals". The common belief is only the talented few get to break out of the numbness, and I surely am not one of those. Placing them as uniquely gifted and above the crowd allows the mass to continue denying its essential nature
Most of these "specials" came to fame from their ability to give expression to the core emotions of what being human is all about, the archetypal feelings that in an indescribable way bond everyone together at a core level. Typical language is "they are saying (or singing) what I feel but don't know how to express".
Personal creativity unfolding seems to be a natural part of the process of self-discovery and self-realization.
Some begin from the angle of desiring to develop personal creativity. These people, over time, come to understand they are not the source of this creativity, but conduits through which something that already exists flows. This increasing realization gradually births a desire to know more about the Source of all this creativity. What is it? Where does it come from? Those are spiritual questions, and thus the path of personal creativity inevitably (over time) leads to a spiritual quest.
Others begin through wanting to understand what this life thing is all about. Personal creativity may not be something they are seeking or value. Yet it comes as a sort of side effect, since it is at our core. The more I know myself, the more I experience that I and the Creative Principle that flows through me are one and the same.
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