The Way of Life
I read once a saying of one of the great beings from India, that we are not going from falseness to truth, but from truth to greater truth. In other words, what we have been operating from has been the place of the deepest truth we have grasped. There are always truths beyond what we have grasped no matter how far along we get, because we are ultimately dealing with a force that is infinite. There is no end.
The "reward" for diligently carrying out our present truth as far as we can take it is we gradually see the limitations inherent in what we have perceived as truth - we start grasping deeper truth. Without having all we'd done to get to the present point we would not be seeing the new deeper truth. Thus everything that proceeded this moment was completely necessary. And, that greater truth makes it clear we now must release from elements of the reality we have created that are invalidated by the deeper truth we've now come to see as a direct result of our efforts to date.
This is just the way life is constructed. And this cycle repeats again and again, infinitely. The problem that humans have created is when we come to see that what we have called truth was actually at least partially delusional that we tend to start judging ourselves as stupid and failing. When in fact it has all been entirely necessary and part of the inevitable process.
The realization that all I can work with is what I know, and that what I know will inevitably be revealed as only partial truth, is the essence of learning humility. And humility is what keeps our hearts and minds open to the inevitable entrance of even greater truth. Acceptance that all this is the Way of Life seems like the key to truly developing inner peace.

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